Our experience with Visual Victory Training We have spent years trying to determine why Jordan has been struggling so much with her reading. We have gone through every avenue possible through the school system to get her all the extra help we can have for her. The schools and teachers have been great but all along the comments were that Jordan is such a bright student and a hard worker however they could not figure out why she struggles like she does.

Finally in a fifth grade IEP meeting someone mentioned that she doesn’t track like a normal student does. So I then researched and found VVT. She started there during the winter of 2010 and has made great strides in her numbers for school at the amazement of all her teachers. She jumped hundreds of points in her Lexile which is a great achievement for her. She has really liked coming to therapy and seeing the gain in her school work. Jordan has also discovered a bonus gain through her sports. She was really just looking to get this therapy to improve her reading but when she saw the improvement in her softball batting this just made her work even harder.

I want to thank everyone at VVT. You guys are all so wonderful and truly a blessing to a struggle we have been dealing with for years.

Thank you!

“Without vision therapy I would still be unable to walk with both eyes open, unable to drive a car, or return to work.” –Maryann P.

“Vision Therapy has given Rebecca much confidence in her school work and decreased her struggles in writing in the classroom. Her reading is improving. It would be great if some conferences be given at the schools in the area to make other parents and teachers aware of what visual therapy is all about! Thank you for what you have done for my daughters and husband.”

“Vision Therapy helped me to read and helped me to get my eyes straight.” –Skylar

“Vision Therapy gave our daughter the skills to be successful at school. After a few months of therapy, she was able to complete homework independently. She even made Honor Roll!” –Stacy D.

“Vision Therapy helped my child feel more confident about her ability to read, play sports and balance. She is able to visually process information and improve her letter reversal, recognition and ability to track, scan things better. Your teaching helps many kids make progress!! Not all vision issues are glasses related.”